Cavan County Museum

Cavan County Museum

The aim of the County Cavan Museum is to collect, conserve and ultimately display the material heritage and culture of County Cavan, for the benefit of the public.

Exhibition galleries feature unique artifacts dating from the stone age up until the twentieth century, with material spanning over 6000 years of occupation in Cavan.

Displays of notable interest include the Killycluggin stone and the three-faced Corleck Head, two of the most recognisable examples of Celtic spirituality in the country.

The museum also houses a medieval Dug-Out boat and a selection of medieval Sheela-na-Gigs, as well as a Folk Life gallery depicting life in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Newly-opened galleries deal with topics as diverse as the Great Famine, Percy French and Lord Farnham. The museum also houses temporary exhibition space which plays host to regular art shows given by local and national artists.

How can I find out more?

To find out more about the Cavan County Museum and the range of facilities and exhibitions that it provides, Please visit the following website:

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