IT Hero

Information Technology


Protecting Council Data on Mobile Devices.

Like all local authorities Cavan County Council holds large volumes of personal and sensitive data that we must protect. Mobile devices allow designated personnel to conveniently do their work from home, at the office, or on the go. While this provides flexibility and convenience, it could expose the Council to potential threats. Managing mobile devices’ security and device health is vital to minimising our risk posture. To do this we need to have MDM software installed on any device that will access Council data and the software we use is called Microsoft InTune.

What is Microsoft InTune?

Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based service for mobile device management (MDM). It helps The Council to manage any Council data on the device and ensuring security and compliance with corporate policies. 

Why do I need to install Intune on my personal device?

Installing Intune on your personal device allows you to securely access Council resources such as email, documents, and applications. It helps protect sensitive corporate data and ensures that your device complies with the organisation's security policies. In addition it means if your device gets lost or stolen the Council IT Department and remotely wipe all Council data from the phone which protects you, the Council and those who's personal data we store.

Will Intune monitor my personal activity on my device?

No, Intune is designed to manage and secure corporate data and applications only. It does not monitor your personal activities, such as personal emails, messages, photos or browsing history.

What impact will installing InTune have on my device.

Installing InTune will allow the Council to perform certain actions on any Council data. It will also ensure that certain security policies are implemented on the device such as requiring a 6 digit passcode to unlock the device or preventing data loss by restricting copy/paste/screenshot capabilities. For example this would mean that data sent to your Council email address cannot then be copied to a gmail account. 

What types of data can the Council see on my device?

The company can only see information related to corporate data and applications, such as device compliance status, installed corporate apps, and corporate data usage. Personal data and apps remain private.

Can my entire device be wiped using Intune?

In the event of a wipe of the device being required, The Council will only ever wipe corporate or Council data.

What should I do if my device is lost or stolen?

If your device is lost or stolen, you should immediately report it to the IT department. They can perform a remote wipe of the corporate data to prevent unauthorised access.

What happens if I do not install Intune on my device?

In this case the Council will prohibit any Council data being stored on the device. This will mean access to resources such as Council email will not be possible.

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