About Us

About Us

What Human Resources do

The Human Resources Department deals with the recruitment, selection, retention and management for a broad diversity of grades and roles within Cavan County Council.

This includes roles such as:

  • Clerical.
  • Administrative.
  • Professional.
  • Technical.
  • Craft workers.
  • General operatives and related grades.

We are committed to providing training and development to all employees on an equal basis in an effort to develop and enhance their knowledge, skill and competencies to achieve our objectives and goals.

Performance Management Development System

The Performance Management Development System is primarily concerned with ensuring that strategic objectives contained in the Council’s Corporate Plan are understood by the teams and individual employees in Cavan County Council.

This ensures that the teams and individual employees of Cavan County Council work together to deliver a first class service to the residents of County Cavan.

Personal Development

Cavan County Council has a high percentage of staff who discuss their personal development with managers. The ongoing development of the staff working within Cavan County Council ensures that a high quality and constantly improving service is being delivered to the residents of County Cavan.

If you have any further question or queries about the Human Resources department and what we do, please get in touch using the following details:

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