Repairs and Maintenance Queries

How to Report a Repair Request

Before making a maintenance request, please refer to your Tenancy Agreement and Tenants Handbook to check what type of repairs are the responsibility of the tenant and what type of repairs are the responsibility of the landlord.

Generally Tenants are responsible for certain internal, external, electrical, plumbing repairs and cleaning of chimneys. Tenants are also responsible for repairs to handles, locks and hinges on doors and windows and to electrical appliances. The Council is generally responsible for structural repairs that will affect the integrity of the house

You may make a request in person at the Council’s office in Cavan or contact the Customer Service Desk by phone on 049 4378300 or by email at

We will prioritise emergency and urgent requests. Other routine requests will be attended to as resources permit.

Out of Hours Emergencies

If an emergency should arise outside normal working hours, tenants can call the Cavan County Council's out-of-hours number 087 611 8116

Examples of an Emergency:

  • Serious risk to life or health
  • Imminent threat of the house being flooded by water or sewage 
  • Total failure of the electricity supply or an electrical fault
  • A risk of significant damage to the property
  • If Cavan County Council personnel are called out where there is not an emergency, the tenant will be charged the full cost of the call–out. If the problem does not fall into the above categories, report the problem as soon as possible on the next working day.

If you need the FIRE BRIGADEGARDAI or an AMBULANCEDIAL 999 or 112 . DO NOT WAIT for a member of our staff. If you have a GAS LEAK, phone the Gas Networks Ireland 24 hour Emergency Service IMMEDIATELY on Tel: 1850 205050

Application for Alterations to a Council Rented Dwelling for Persons with a Disability

As a Cavan County Council tenant you can apply to have appropriate works carried out to your property. You will have to make an application to the Housing Grants Section, by email on, or by phone: 049 4378300

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This form is for feedback on the webpage content. If you wish to report for example potholes, faulty street lights, barking dogs or any council housing maintenance issues please use the Report it option
Thank you for contacting Cavan County Council, we will review and deal with your query and contact you if we require further information.