
Local Authority Home Loan

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Local Authority Home Loan

The Local Authority Home Loan (LAHL) is available for people who are unable to obtain sufficient funding from commercial banks to purchase or build a home. The loan can be used both for new and second-hand properties, or to self-build. Full details of the Local Authority Home Loan, including eligibility criteria, can be found at http://localauthorityhomeloan.ie

How to apply

Applicants must complete a Local Authority Home Loan application form which is available for download on www.localauthorityhomeloan.ie and return it to:

Local Authority Home Loans,
Housing Department,
Cavan County Council,
Cavan Courthouse,

Contact details

Further information is available on the Local Authority Home Loan Website at www.localauthorityhomeloan.ie

All queries should be directed to www.localauthorityhomeloan.ie, where prospective applicants can use the Information Booklet and the updated FAQ section for information, or where they require further information, use the new Contact Us form to contact the Local Authority Home Loan team directly, who will answer their query.

Queries for the local authority directly can be emailed to housingloans@cavancoco.ie or by phone 049 437 8300

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