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Register of Dog Breeding establishments

Dog Breeding Establishments

Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010

The primary legislation covering the management and operation of Dog Breeding Establishments is the abovementioned Act.  The purpose of this act is to regulate the operation of Dog Breeding Establishments. The Dog Breeding Establishments Act 2010 was enacted on the 1st of January 2012.

What is a Dog Breeding Establishment?

Any premises which has six or more female dogs over 6 months of age and capable of breeding, is considered a Dog Breeding Establishment as defined under the Act.

Register of Dog Breeding Establishments

Cavan County Council is required to maintain a register of dog breeding establishments situated in its functional area under section 9 of this Act.

The register of Dog Breeding Establishments for Co. Cavan is available for review by members of the public at the offices of Cavan County Council.

All applications for inclusion in the Register of Dog Breeding Establishments must be made in writing to the Local Authority.

What information is included on the Register of Dog Breeding Establishments?

The register includes the following details:

(a)  The name of the applicant and the address at which he or she ordinarily resides,

(b)  The address of the premises or dog breeding establishment to which the application relates,

(c)  The maximum number of bitches over 4 months old capable of being used for breeding purposes that may be kept at the premises or dog breeding establishment, and

(d)  Any conditions attached to the registration.

Dog Breeding Establishments Register

Currently seven dog breeding establishments are listed on the Local Authority’s Register of Dog Breeding Establishments.

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