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Waste Facilities

Waste Facilities

Waste Disposal

There are numerous ways in which you can dispose of your domestic waste, including a number of waste disposal companies to choose from.

Where can I find a list of waste disposal companies?

You can find them within local advertising directories, newspapers or by visiting the National Waste Collection Permit Office (NWCPO) website National Waste Collection Permit Office - Search Permits: http://www.nwcpo.ie.

For more information on how to manage your household waste, download the Council’s Household Waste Management Guide.

Where can I get advice about recycling?

Most disposal companies can collect your recyclable material for you.  However, there are a number of different ways which you can recycle your domestic waste.  To find out more, please visit our recycling section.

New Waste Management Bye-Laws for County Cavan

Cavan County Council has made new Waste Management Bye-Laws entitled 'County of Cavan (Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste) Bye-Laws 2019'.  These Bye-Laws came into effect on 13th December 2019 and are designed to ensure that both household and commercial waste generated in County Cavan is better managed or recycled and disposed of correctly.

All local authorities are adopting similar Bye-Laws ensuring a consistent approach to managing waste across Ireland.  To comply with the new Bye-Laws, you will need to demonstrate that you are managing your waste in a responsible and legal manner.  These Bye-Laws will apply to all households, apartments and commercial premises.

In order to manage your household waste correctly you need to be able to prove that:

  • You have a contract in place with a permitted waste collection contractor (bin sharing is permitted for which proof of agreement is required);
  • You can demonstrate regular use of an authorised waste facility.

Why do we need these Bye-Laws?

  • To help you manage your waste in an environmentally acceptable manner.
  • To ensure that your waste is only given to a permitted door-to door waste collector or brought to an authorised waste facility.
  • To help ensure your waste is correctly segregated, and recycled;
  • To reduce illegal dumping and backyard burning.

What happens if I don’t comply?

If you fail to comply with any of the requirements of the Bye-Laws, it may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice (maximum €75) being issued by this Local Authority or a member of An Garda Síochána. It may also lead to a fine on conviction of up to €2,500.

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