Anti Litter Anti Graffiti Grant Scheme (ALAGS)
Anti-Litter & Anti-Graffiti Grants
Grant funding is made available each year to Tidy Towns Groups who submit applications under the above scheme in relation to projects undertaken in that calendar year.
All projects should seek to promote public awareness and education in relation to litter and/or graffiti and should have a particular focus on involving schools, youth groups, environmental groups, community and voluntary groups.
PLEASE NOTE: Only applications received from Tidy Towns groups will be considered for funding.
How to Apply:
Further information can be requested by contacting the Waste Management Section by email or by phone on 049 4378409.
Applications usually open in the third quarter of each year and application forms will be automatically circulated to all Tidy Towns groups for completion.

the Kilnaleck Recycling Bring Centre.