Major Emergency Plan

A Major Emergency is any event which, usually with little or no warning, causes or threatens death or injury, serious disruption of essential services or damage to property, the environment or infrastructure beyond the normal capabilities of the principal emergency services in the area in which the event occurs, and requires the activation of specific additional procedures and the mobilisation of additional resources to ensure an effective, coordinated response.

In the event of a major emergency the role Cavan County Council is to ensure life safety by providing emergency services in the form of the Fire service and Civil Defence and appropriate assistance from the other services provided by the local authority. Cavan County Council will ensure that danger areas are made safe in order to permit other agencies to undertake their recovery and rehabilitation operations.

In the immediate aftermath of an incident principal concerns include support for the emergency services, support and care for the local and wider community, use Local Authority resources to mitigate the effects of the emergency and co-ordination of the voluntary organisations.

In the ‘recovery’ phase the local authority will play a role in the rehabilitation of the community and the restoration of the environment.

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