What We Do

Cavan County Civil Defence was set up in 1950 and is a voluntary organisation which comes under the control of Cavan County Council.

It plays a very important role in assisting the front line services with trained personnel to respond to emergencies in addition to supporting and facilitating community activities.

Our Members bring their own talents into the organisation and learn new skills which in turn are used to serve the communities they live in. Annually Cavan County Civil Defence attend approximately 50 community events including:

  • Pony Shows
  • Local Community Festivals
  • Slane
  • Various GAA and Athletics fixtures

The volunteers are also involved at Flooding incidents, water shortages and search and rescues.

The main disciplines in Cavan County Civil Defence could broadly be described as:

  • Casualty
  • Search and Rescue
  • Fire Fighting (Auxiliary Fire Service-AFS)
  • Boating Techniques
  • Radiation Monitoring
  • Radio Communications
  • Welfare.

If you would like to contact us to find out more about Cavan County Civil Defence, please get in touch using the following details:

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