Corporate governance

Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015

Free Off-Street Parking Cavan Town

Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015

Designated Public Officials under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015

The Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 provides that the Standards in Public Office Commission will establish and maintain an online Register of Lobbying and oversee compliance with the legislative provisions.  

The purpose of the Register is to make information available to the public on the identity of those communicating with 'Designated Public Officials' on specific policy, legislative matters, or prospective decisions. Such persons will have to register with the Standards Commission and will be required to submit returns of their lobbying activities three times a year.

The Designated Public Officials under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 in Cavan County Council are:

Chief Executive: Eoin Doyle

Director of Service: Paddy Connaughton, Director of Services, Transportation, Environment and Water Services

Director of Service: Lynda McGavigan, A/Director of Services, Housing, Libraries and Cultural Services, Human Resources and Corporate Services

Director of Service: Brendan Jennings, Director of Services, Planning, Community, and Economic Development

Director of Service: Margaret McNally, A/Head of Finance, ICT and Emergency Services

All Elected Members of Cavan County Council are Designated Public Officials under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015: View the Elected Members of Cavan County Council

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