Access to Information on the Environment

Apply for Environmental Information

Step 1:

Submit your request in writing or electronic form and state that the application is being made under the A.I.E. Regulations 2007 - 2018 and send it to the address below:

Access to Information Officer
Cavan County Council
Farnham Street
Cavan H12 R6V2


Step 2:

Please provide contact details and state, in terms as specific as possible, the environmental information required and specify the form and manner of access desired.

Cavan County Council has a duty to reply to you within one month of receiving your application.

Register of AIE requests

Categories of Information

The Directive covers information held in written, visual, oral, electronic or any other material form. 

There are 6 categories of information within this Directive.

  1. The state of the elements of the environment e.g. air, water, soil, land, landscape, biological diversity.
  2. Factors affecting, or likely to affect, the elements of the environment e.g. energy, noise, radiation, waste and other releases into the environment.
  3. Measures such as policies, legislation, plans, programmes, environmental agreements and activities affecting or likely to affect the elements and factors referred to above in 1 and 2.
  4. Reports on the implementation of environmental legislation.
  5. Analyses and assumptions used within the framework of measures designed to protect elements of the environment.
  6. The state of human health and safety, the food chain, cultural sites and built structures in as much as they are or may be affected by the elements of the environment referred to in 1, 2 and 3 above.

Please note:

Article 4(1) provides that the A.I.E. Regulations do not apply to environmental information that is required to be made available under any other statutory provision, for inspection or otherwise, to the public.

Charges to access environmental information?


There is no initial fee for making an application under the AIE Regulations. However, a reasonable fee may be charged for supplying the information requested. This may include the costs of compiling, copying, printing, or posting of information. There is no charge for applying for an internal review.

An appeal to the Commissioner for Environment Information is €50, or €15 if the applicant is the holder or dependent of a holder of a medical card, or a third party appealing the decision to release certain information.

Right of Appeal

If a request is refused wholly or partially or otherwise not dealt with properly internal review may be sought not later than one month after receipt of notification of original decision.

To request an internal review:

Write to the address below:

  • Internal Review Officer, Corporate Services, Cavan County Council, Courthouse, Farnham Street, Cavan H12 R6V2

Appeal Internal Review Decision:

  • Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Information, 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2

To request information:

Cavan County Council
Corporate Services Department
Courthouse, Farnham Street, Cavan H12 R6V2

Tel: 049 437 8300 or

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