Cavan County Council is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for project proposals under Measure 3 - Project Development Measure - of the Town Centre First Suite of Supports. This new suite of supports was launched by Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD and aims to support local communities and town teams in leading in the revitalisation of their towns and villages.

Funding available:

Under this scheme a maximum of 3 EOIs may be shortlisted by Cavan County Council for submission to the Department of Rural and Community Development for consideration for funding towards the cost of detailed design, planning, procurement, professional fees, assessments, and other project development elements. The maximum funding under the Project Development Measure is €50,000 per application.

How to apply:

For further details in respect of the scheme please contact Bernie O’Rourke

Closing date for receipt of EOIs is 5pm on Friday, 22nd March 2024