What is Town Centre First?
In February 2022, the Government launched the Town Centre First (TCF) policy which aims to create town centres that function as viable, vibrant, and attractive locations for people to live, work and visit, while also functioning as the service, social, cultural, and recreational hub for the local community.
The TCF Policy recognises that Irish Towns are facing significant challenges and opportunities, and that a ‘one size fits all’ approach will not work. This new Government policy commits to providing resources to address many of the challenges facing our towns so that they can serve the needs of the local community in a vibrant and sustainable way.
What do we want to achieve through the Town Centre First plans?
- Make living in town centres more attractive.
- Combat out of town/ online shopping.
- Re-activate vacancy/ derelict property.
- Improve/ enhance accessibility throughout the town.
- Increase employment in town centres.
What has happened to date?
Each Local Authority was invited to nominate towns for consideration under phase one of the TCF initiative to develop a Town Centre First (TCF) plan.
Bailieborough has been nominated in County Cavan and funding provided to prepare the TCF plan.
Town Regeneration Officer
Town Regeneration Officers have been appointed across Local Authorities to drive the implementation of the Town Centre First policy. They will support the establishment of the local ‘Town Team’ who are responsible for developing and delivering a Town Centre First plan.
The Town Regeneration Officer acts as a link between the Town Teams, the expertise within the Council and other organisations and facilitate the Town Team in accessing funding and delivering projects at local level.
Caroline Brady has been appointed Town Regeneration Officer with Cavan County Council. For further details in respect of the Town Centre First Initiative please contact:
Caroline Brady
Town Regeneration Officer
Cavan County Council
Farnham Centre
Farnham Street
email: cbrady@cavancoco.ie or TCF@cavancoco.ie
The Town Team
A Town Team has been put in place to work alongside the Town Regeneration Officer to lead out on the development and implementation of the TCF plan.
The Town Team is made up of local residents businesspeople, community representatives and other local stakeholders. They have in-depth local knowledge of the local community, and they work together as a group to develop plans, projects and initiatives that will make the town a better place to live work, visit and invest in. Town Teams will also be supported to build their capacity and capability so they can work effectively to deliver positive outcomes for their town.
National Town Centre First Office
As part of the Town Centre First Initiative, a National Town Centre First Office, based in the LGMA and led by a National Town Centre First Coordinator has been established.The National Town Centre First Office will drive best practice implementation of policy actions and coordinate engagement with national stakeholders and the local government sector.The office supports and coordinates a network of the Town Regeneration Officers in 26 local authorities, who will bring a coordinated approach to the delivery of Town Centre First across the country and support local town teams.
A website has also been set up which provides details in respect of the overall Town Centre First Policy, as well as details in respect of the individual Town Centre First Plans that have been prepared to date: www.towncentrefirst.ie

Bailieborough Town Centre First
Creating a Town Centre First masterplan for Bailieborough

Town Centre First - Suite of Supports
Expressions of Interest are invited for project proposals under Measure 3, Project Development Measure, of the Town Centre First Suite of Supports