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PEACEPLUS Public Consultation

Free Off-Street Parking Cavan Town

Cavan County Council wish to invite you to attend a public consultation event where the findings of the stage 1 process will be presented. This event will present an opportunity to hear your views on the stage 1 findings and also to identify any gaps or target groups not included in the preparation of the PEACEPLUS co-designed local community action plan to date. 

There is no requirement to have attended the stage 1 consultation if you wish to attend the stage 2 event. This is a public event open to all. 

Date and Time 


Tuesday 25th April 2023 

7pm to 8.30pm 

Hotel Kilmore, Dublin Rd, Cavan 

Wednesday 3rd May 2023 

7pm to 8.30pm 

Cavan County Museum, Ballyjamesduff 

Thursday 4th May 2023 

7pm to 8.30pm 

Le Chéile, Cootehill Hub, Market Street, Cootehill 


Online consultation

This consultation will seek the views of people living in the three municipal districts of Cavan, in diverse communities of interest, as well as public, private and community sectors. 

This project will be funded by the European Union’s PEACEPLUS Programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body. 

Stage One

Public consultation events for the PEACEPLUS co-designed local community action plan took place throughout February 2023 at the venues listed below. This consultation forms stage one of the consultation process alongside an online survey, which may still be completed at

Thursday, 16 February 2023

  • 10am – 11.30am Hotel Kilmore, Dublin Rd, Cavan
  • 6.30pm – 8pm Hotel Kilmore, Dublin Rd, Cavan

Monday, 20 February 2023

  • 6.30pm – 8pm Cavan County Museum, Ballyjamesduff

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

  • 6.30pm – 8pm Cootehill Community Hub

The PEACEPLUS Programme

Cavan County Council has been allocated €4.3 million under Theme 1 “Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities” to deliver a co-designed local community PEACEPLUS Action Plan.

Socio-Economic Statement

This project will be funded by the European Union’s PEACEPLUS Programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.


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