Environment hero

Litter Fines

Litter Fines

Litter Fines

Community Wardens are employed by the Council to patrol the county and to investigate and resolve reports of littering and illegal dumping. Upon investigation and where documentary evidence is obtained, they have the power to proceed with enforcement actions by issuing on-the-spot Litter Fines for offences under the Litter Pollution Act 1997 as amended.  Unpaid Litter Fines may proceed to Cavan District Court for prosecution.

The current on-the-spot Litter Fine for littering under the above Act is €150, with the maximum of up to €4,000 upon successful prosecution.

Fines can be issued for a number of reasons, including:

  • If you drop litter in a public place. This includes chewing gum and cigarette litter.
  • If you put out bags or put your bin out in a manner that could cause litter - so be careful how you put out your rubbish for collection.
  • Misuse of our Recycling Bring Centre Network.  Leaving any type of waste at a Bring Centre is not permitted. If recycling receptacles are full, please bring your waste home and come back another day or visit one of our other Bring Centres.
  • Allowing your dog to foul in a public place and not cleaning up immediately afterwards (see page on Dog Fouling).


How can I pay my On-the-Spot Litter Fine?

The fine can be paid in the following ways:

  • Over the phone using a debit/credit card by calling our Customer Service Desk on 049 437 8300.
  • By calling into our Customer Service Desk, located on the Ground Floor of the Johnston Central Library, Farnham Street, Cavan
  • By Cheque or Postal Order made payable to Cavan County Council, which can be posted to above address. Please quote Litter Fine Number on the back of the Cheque or Postal Order and return address details for receipting purposes

On-the-Spot Litter Fines must be paid in full (€150). Please note that Phased Payments (instalments) are not accepted by Cavan County Council

Can I appeal my On-the-Spot Litter Fine?

If you feel that your fine was unfair or issued in error, you can lodge a written appeal. 

The Appeals Form can be forwarded by post to the Administrative Officer, Waste Management Section, Cavan County Council, Farnham Street, Cavan or by email to waste@cavancoco.ie.  Appeals should be lodged within 21 days from the date the fine was issued.


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