'Bringing St Brigid's Cloak to Life' exhibition launched
The launch of the 'Bringing St Brigid's Cloak to Life' exhibition took place at Cavan County Museum on Saturday, 8th February
The launch of the 'Bringing St Brigid's Cloak to Life' exhibition took place at Cavan County Museum on Saturday, 8th February
Landlords are required by law to register tenancies annually with the Residential Tenancies Board
Cavan County Council has signed contracts with local firm Sandar Construction for the delivery of 13 new social housing units at Chapel Lane, Munnilly, Cootehill.
On 7 February, speed limits on rural local roads reduce from 80km/h to 60 km/h. This change will make Ireland’s roads safer for motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and all road users.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the position of Assistant Engineer
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the position of Executive Engineer
Cavan County Council wishes to announce the following grants scheme. Resident groups of local authority sponsored estates (estates in social housing areas or estates where the Council owns one house or more) are invited to apply.
As the Storm Éowyn clean-up continues, Cavan County Council is working with local partners through the Cavan Community Forum to put in place local community hubs where those affected by power cuts and water outages can come and avail of facilities such as charging, heat, and tea/coffee.
Click here to find information in relation to alternative water sources available across the county.
Cavan County Council wishes to advise its tenants that we are currently receiving an unprecedented number of repair requests following Storm Éowyn