Speed Limit Changes
On 7 February, speed limits on rural local roads reduce from 80km/h to 60 km/h. This change, as enacted by the Oireachtas, will make Ireland’s roads safer for motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, and all road users.
The new national default speed limit for all rural local roads in the country will be 60km/h (currently 80km/h) from the 7th February. This will see the speed limit on approximately 2,500km of local roads in Cavan being reduced to 60km/h.
- The full list of local roads nationally, categorised by county, is available to view here: Local Road Network - Overview.
- The following document: https://bit.ly/3gg5e7L displays the existing 50km/h and 60km/h zones in and around urban areas.
- Effectively, every rural local road outside of these will be 60km/h from the 7th February.
National and Regional Roads
The current rural speed limits on national roads (100km/h and 80 km/h) and regional roads (80km/h) will remain the same for now.
The urban speed limits and rural national secondary road speed limits will be reviewed later in the year.