Hedge Cutting Notice

The Period for Cutting Hedges ends on 28th February

  • Owners and occupiers of lands along public roads are obliged to ensure that roadside hedges and trees do not present a hazard or obstruction to road users.
  • Cavan County Council will under section 70 of the Roads Act 1993 serve a Hedge Cutting Notice on those who do not carry out this obligation.
  • Cavan County Council will prosecute those who fail to comply with these notices.
  • Under Section 40 of the Wildlife Act 1976, incorporating Section 46 ofthe Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000, Hedge Cutting can be carried out over a period of 6 months from 1st of September to the last day of February.
  • All landowners and occupiers are reminded that hedge cutting and trimming should be carried out as early as possible on hedges adjacent to public roads.
  • Ensure that the Contractor you get to carry out this work is competent to carry it out safely.


Overgrown hedges and trees - 

  • Can encroach on a roadway making it dangerous for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles
  • Can shade a road leaving it wet and liable to ice
  • Overhanging branches can fall on a road and hit road users



What is Required:

  • Trees, shrubs, hedges or other vegetation should be topped, i.e. cut right across horizontally at a height not exceeding four feet over road level and breasted back so that no portion shall encroach on the road carriageway or road margin.
  • Where trees are to be cut, they shall normally be cut to a height not exceeding four feet over road level.

 For further Information contact your Municipal District Office:

  • Bailieborough-Cootehill           049 437 8477
  • Ballyjamesduff                         049 854 7013
  • Cavan-Belturbet                      049 952 6121