Saddle up for Bike Week 2024!

The National Transport Authority (NTA), Cavan Sports Partnership, and Cavan County Council have announced details of Bike Week 2024, which runs from Saturday, 11 May to Sunday, 19 May. This annual event celebrates the many benefits of cycling with over 900 events scheduled nationwide. From family-friendly activities to heritage cycles, maintenance workshops, and learn-to-cycle events, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

All 31 local authority areas are participating in Bike Week, with events organised in collaboration with local sports partnerships.

In Cavan, there are 15 events taking place for Bike Week, suitable for all ages and abilities ranging from Kids’ Bikefests, Mountain Bike Tasters, Teen Cycles, Family Cycles and even a Pedal Parade in association with Cavan Arts Festival, so there are lots of opportunities for everyone to get involved.

Anne Graham, CEO of the NTA said, "Bike Week 2024 is a fantastic opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to come together and promote cycling as a sustainable and healthy form of transportation”.

“The diverse events happening across the country, organised by our colleagues in the Local Authorities and Local Sports Partnerships ensure there is something suitable for everyone to enjoy. Whether it's a bike festival, a community cycle or an information session, I encourage everyone to take part and help build a bike friendly society for all.”

Those taking part in Bike Week are encouraged to share photos or videos to social media using #BikeWeek and tagging Cavan County Council @cavancoco and Transport for Ireland @TFIUpdates.

For more information and to see what events are taking place in County Cavan, visit

The #BikeWeek Pedal Push Parade, organised by Cavan County Council in association with Cavan Arts Festival, is just one of 15 exciting Bike Week events organised this year in Cavan between 11th and 19th May. PHOTO: Lorraine Teevan.
The #BikeWeek Pedal Push Parade, organised by Cavan County Council in association with Cavan Arts Festival, is just one of 15 exciting Bike Week events organised this year in Cavan between 11th and 19th May. PHOTO: Lorraine Teevan.