Notification of Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of Cavan County Council will convene on Friday, 21st June 2024, at which the first business of the newly elected council will be the election of its Cathaoirleach. This meeting is the first meeting of the newly elected council following the local elections held on Friday, 7th June 2024.

Local authorities, by virtue of their democratic mandate, make appointments to a range of bodies. Cavan County Council makes appointments to the following bodies:

  1. Cavan Local Community Development Committee
  2. Cavan Monaghan Education and Training Board
  3. HSE Regional Health Forum – Dublin North East
  4. Irish Public Bodies Mutual Insurances Limited
  5. Northern and Western Regional Assembly
  6. County Cavan Joint Policing Committee
  7. Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee
  8. Audit Committee
  9. Cavan Local Sports Partnership
  10. Irish Central Border Area Network Limited
  11. Association of Irish Local Government
  12. Local Authority Members’ Association
  13. Age Friendly Alliance
  14. Local Monitoring Committee (Rural Water)
  15. County Cavan Heritage Forum
  16. North East Regional Drugs Task Force
  17. Cavan PEACE Partnership

At this annual meeting, the Council will consider the making of appointments (Councillor and non-Councillor where appropriate) to these bodies. It should be noted however that appointments to some, under the relevant statutory or other provisions applicable or at the Council’s discretion, may fall to be considered and made at a later date to the annual meeting.

Lynda McGavigan,
Meetings Administrator,
Cavan County Council