Cavan LEADER Targeted Call 2024 

Cavan LEADER Local Action Group has announced a targeted (time limited) call for Expression of Interests for ‘Communities to build or upgrade community recreational or physical amenities on the grounds of sporting organisations to serve the needs of local rural Communities’.  

If you have a project idea that could come under this targeted call, see further information on Expression of Interest (EOI) forms are available for downloading on the website and completed EOIs must be submitted to  

Targeted Call: Call for communities to build or upgrade community recreational or physical amenities on the grounds of sporting organisations in order to adequately serve the needs of local rural communities (particularly the needs of children, teenagers, older people and new communities).  

  • Overall Budget for the Call: €500,000 
  • Maximum Level of Funding: Up to €75,000 per project  
  • Minimum Level of Funding: €5,000 
  • Maximum Rates of grant aid: 75% for community Projects. 
  • Timeline: Open for Expression of Interest forms 4th September 2024, closed 3pm, 4th October 2024 

All completed Expression of Interest forms for this call must be submitted by 3pm on Friday, 4 October 2024 to 


Theme 2: Objectives for Rural Infrastructure and Social Inclusion 

Sub Theme: 

Local Objective2.1: Support for projects that seek to improve the provision of community facilities to ensure they meet the needs of communities 

Strategic Action: 

2.1.1 Support Capital infrastructure development for community spaces (including training and marketing) and installation of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) parking areas. 


Further information on the LEADER Programme and Expression of Interest (EOI) forms are available and downloadable at