Wild Work in Action: Seed Saving course

A new 'seed-saving' project in County Cavan will aim to protect and secure future diversity by creating a community-based seed bank for native wildflowers.

Seed saving is an age-old tradition that is a great way to get engaged with nature and the community. It's a simple concept that means exactly what says: saving seeds in order to grow them in the future. This fun and empowering exercise, which will include a free, five-part course, is hugely important for protecting diversity and this project will be focused on local wildflower seeds of Cavan.


The project is part of the Wild Work initiative, being delivered by Cavan County Local Development in partnership with SECAD Partnership CLG and West Limerick Resources, and supported through the LEADER Co-operation budget as a LEADER Inter-territorial project.

Participants will learn about land and seed identification in order to be able to make proper selections for seed saving. You will also learn about seed harvesting, storing and growing.

We will establish a community-based seed bank by using 10 different sites across Cavan farmlands. This will be exhibited at a central site in order to share the wonders of seed saving. This will also allow us to grow native wildflower areas throughout the county.

Who can join?

We welcome all farmers and community members to join the Seed Saving project in county Cavan. Limited places are available. 

People of all ages and abilities will love Wild Work. You need no prior experience in ecology, conservation, or biodiversity. All you need is a yearning to learn in nature and from nature.

There are limited spaces so please don't hesitate, go wild and book now at www.wildwork.ie/cavan

What time commitment is involved?

The course consists of five modules, and will take place in Bailieborough. The dates and content are outlined below:



Group 1

Group 2


7th April

2pm - 4pm

6.30pm - 8.30pm


5th May

2pm - 4pm 

6.30pm - 8.30pm


2nd June

2pm - 4pm 

6.30pm - 8.30pm


4th August

2pm - 4pm 

6.30pm - 8.30pm


1st September

2pm - 4pm 

6.30pm - 8.30pm

 The topics and activities covered in the course include the following:



How to Prepare the Land and Ground

Selecting sites to sow different seeds and in seasons. Different soil types, growing conditions, planting schedules and seed selection. Initial weed suppression and other chemical-free weed control.

How to Select Seeds

The best sowing conditions for your seasons and soil types. Selecting suitable native seeds.

How to Produce Good Seed Stock

Planting techniques, maintenance and propagating flowering plants.

How to Harvest Seed

Identification of optimal time and conditions for harvesting viable seed.

Grading, Preserving and Storing your Seed

How to handle your seed harvest. Techniques for preserving and storing your seeds. 

How to Share your Seed

How to link into interested networks: schools, farmers, institutions, and community groups. Seed saving as social income stream. Alternative projects:  developing community seedbanks, such as indigenous plant and tree nurseries.

To find out more and register now, visit www.wildwork.ie/cavan