Civic Amenity Sites
Corranure Civic Amenity Site
The following information provides contact details and opening times for the Corranure Civic Amenity Site.
Corranure Civic Amenity Site,
Cootehill Road,
H12 DK61
- Phone: 049 4378568
Opening hours
- Monday to Friday: 8am - 4.30pm
- Saturday: 8am - 12.30pm
Please take a look at the following document which provides information on the items which you can take to the Corranure Civic Amenity Site:
- View a map of the Civic Amenity Sites
- View the price list of items you can take to your local recycling centre
Bailieborough recycling centre
The following information provides contact details and opening times for the Bailieborough recycling centre.
Bailieborough Recycling Centre
Shercock Rd,
County Cavan
- Phone: 042 9666892
Opening hours
- Monday: 8am - 4.30pm
- Wednesday: 8am - 4.30pm
- Friday: 8am - 4.30pm
- Saturday: 8am - 12.30pm
- Site closed: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday
Please take a look at the following document which provides information on the items which you can take to the Bailieborough recycling centre:
Ballyconnell recycling centre
The following information provides contact details and opening times for the Ballyconnell recycling centre.
Ballyconnell Recycling Centre,
Carrigallen Road,
County Cavan
- Phone: 049 9527593
Opening hours
- Tuesday: 8am - 4.30pm
- Thursday: 8am - 4.30pm
- Saturday: 8am - 12.30pm
- Site closed: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Please take a look at the following document, which provides information on the items which you can take to the Ballyconnell recycling centre: